Resource: Making a Zine

On Photography

Tyrone Williams is a photographer from Northampton. His work focusses on the beauty in the mundane, and trying to find an understanding of thoughts and feelings through the image. He has been creating zines since university.

Screenshot of a video call with Tyrone Williams

In a workshop session as part of the Develop programme, Tyrone gave some essential advice and top tips on editing and sequencing photographs for photo-based zines.
As he spoke, participants worked through their own collection of photographs and compiled their zines.


Top tips for making a photographic zine

1. Zines can be as experimental or as niche as you like. From a day in your life to a series from a walk down the street to sequencing by colour, there aren’t any rules when it comes to what your theme or focus is.

2. Your photographs should have a purpose next to each other on the page. Even if their purpose is to contradict one another, the photographs should be talking to each other in some way to create fluidity.

3. Play around with sequencing by colour, formation, contrast and cropping. Below are examples from Tyrone's zines of different ways you can place your photographs together.

Sequencing by colour:

An example of how to sequence by colour

Sequencing by formation: 

An example of how to sequence by formation

Sequencing by contrast:

An example of how to sequence by contrast

Sequencing by cropping:

An example of how to sequence by cropping

4. Use blank space as a visual breather.  Don’t be afraid to leave a page blank to encourage the viewer to focus more closely on one image or to pause.

Below is a short video showcasing some of the Develop participants zines that they created during the workshop with Tyrone. 

Artists featured in order: Luke Mears, Serena Cecilia, Jackson Mount, Tascha Von Uexhull 

TPG Develop: Zine Workshop