Soho Then is a photo-based podcast. Over six, themed episodes people share their memories and experiences of living and working in one of London's most notorious neighbourhoods - from the 1920s to 2000. Its aim is to capture key memories and experiences of specific Soho streets and buildings, from a personal perspective, at a time when the area is changing rapidly.
More about this project:
Soho Then Producer Clare Lynch conducted oral history interviews, over 2018 and 2019, with a range of individuals who have/have had a relationship with Soho. Many of these interviewees have also fought hard to protect Soho's buildings, to help vulnerable members of the community, and to enable visitors to have a good time when they come to Soho.
Many people still don't believe that people live here. It's about taking the front off the houses and sharing the stories inside — Clare Lynch, Soho Then Producer
These edited interviews traverse six chosen themes of: Food & Shopping; Home & Homelessness; Sex & Sexuality; Clubs & Late Night Establishments; Fashion & Tailoring and Film & Cinema
Soho Then is commissioned by The Photographers' Gallery and financially supported by The National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund and #MyWestminster Fund. With thanks to National Lottery Players