Book Launch: INCITE - Digital Art and Activism

06:30pm - 08:00pm, Thu 07 Mar 2024

Join us for a book launch and panel discussion to celebrate the publication of INCITE: Digital Art & Activism.

A grid of pages from the publication INCITE: Digital Art and Activism

Book Launch: INCITE - Digital Art and Activism

6:30pm, Thu 07 Mar 2024

Join us for a book launch and panel discussion to celebrate the publication of INCITE: Digital Art & Activism.

This event is part of our Past Programme

Join us for a book launch and panel discussion to celebrate the publication of INCITE: Digital Art & Activism. This collaborative artist book features creative responses from artists, scholars, and activists connected through the Digital Art and Activism Network.

Hear from editors Joseph DeLappe and Laura Leuzzi, as well as Emile Shemilt, Zoyander Street, Maja Zećo & Martin Zeilinger who each contributed to the publication. It is moderated by Dr. Alessandro Ludovico. The panel discussion will be followed by a book signing.

About the Digital Art and Activism Network

Since forming, the Digital Art and Activism Network has looked at the rise of the alt-right, the refugee crisis in Europe, Brexit and the Home Office hostile environment policy in the UK, the climate emergency, and a constant attack on basic civil rights including freedom of speech, reproductive freedom and rights for the LGBTQAI+ community in many countries.

About the publication

INCITE: Digital Art & Activism has been developed and published in collaboration with Peacock & the worm. It has been edited by Joseph DeLappe (Abertay University) and Laura Leuzzi (Robert Gordon University). It features contributions by B.D. Owens, Donna Holford-Lovell, Elaine Shemilt, Ellie Harrison, Emile Shemilt, Eve Mosher, Gair Dunlop, Giulia Casalini, Hadi Mehrpouya & Duncan Nicoll, Iliyana Nedkova, John Butler, Jon Blackwood, Joseph DeLappe, Laura Leuzzi, Maja Zećo, Malath Abbas, Martin Zeilinger, Moza Almatrooshi, Niya B, Tom De Majo (Biome Collective), Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi, Zoyander Street.

Each contributor was asked to create a three-page visual chapter, in an effort to gather the disparate yet connected activism, practices and scholarship as represented by those involved in the network. The book was developed in collaboration with Peacock & the worm print workshop in Aberdeen, Scotland. Neil Corral adapted individual submissions for the Risograph print process and designed the book’s overall layout, bringing together the diverse contributions into a cohesive whole, while maintaining their distinctive identities.

This project would not have been possible without the generous support of The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Abertay University, DJCAD at the University of Dundee, Delfina Foundation, Gray's School of Art at RGU, SARAS, Sapienza Università di Roma, SGSAH (Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities) and NEoN Digital Arts Festival, Dundee.

Printed and bound by Neil Corall & Enxhi Mandija at Peacock & the worm


Joseph DeLappe

Joseph DeLappe is the Professor of Games and Tactical Media at Abertay University, Dundee. A native San Franciscan, he has been working with electronic and new media since 1983. His work in online gaming performance, activist/political art, participatory and social practice, sculpture, and electromechanical installation have been featured at such venues as Eyebeam Art and Technology in New York, MAAT Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology, Portugal, Transitio MX, Mexico City, and The NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC], Japan, among many others. Creative works and actions have been featured widely in scholarly journals, books and in the popular media.

Laura Leuzzi

Laura Leuzzi is an art historian and curator. She is the author of articles and essays in books and exhibition catalogues, with her research focused on early video art, European video art histories, art and feminism, and new media. She is co-editor of several publications, including REWINDItalia. Early Video Art in Italy (2015) and EWVA European Women’s Video Art in the 70s and 80s (2019), Richard Demarco: The Italian connection (2022) and Incite (2023). She is co-director of RE_EXHIBIT_ Rewind Online Gallery. Currently, she is a Chancellor’s Fellow at Gray’s School of Art (Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen).

Emile Shemilt

Emile Shemilt is a Lecturer in Photography at Edinburgh Napier University. He was the recipient of a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellowship and Caledonian European Research Fellowship, which he undertook with Roma Tre University, Rome. Emile Shemilt studied at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford, and received his PhD from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee.

Zoyander Street

Zoyander Street is an artist-researcher, and critic, neurodivergent, genderqueer trans man (they/them preferred, he/him accepted) living in South Yorkshire, in the country currently known as the United Kingdom. They work with interactive and tactile mediums of communication, to surface ambiguity and allow mess to stay messy. Their practice focuses on videogames, but also involves other forms of media art and (mis)uses of technology, and is concerned with social issues and philosophies that connect the individual with the collective.

Maja Zećo

Maja Zećo [maya zecho], originally from Sarajevo and now based in Scotland, is an interdisciplinary artist- researcher whose practice spans performance art, sound, and moving image. Many of her works, such as Grains of Sound (2016), Hold in/Breathe Out (2016), In Search of the Sun (2021-2022), Silencer (2018-2022) and Dissolutions (2022) concern the disjunctures of the artist and her surroundings. Her attempt to negotiate identities and their narratives leads her to burials, diving in water to recall memories, sensory impairment experiments, and endurance. More recently, she is developing an interest in demodernising and de-colonising by looking into Bosnian/Balkan futurisms. She is part-time Lecturer in Contemporary Art Practice, at Gray's School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.

Martin Zeilinger

Martin Zeilinger works as Senior Lecturer in Computational Arts and Technology at Abertay University in Dundee/ Scotland. As a media theorist and curator, he focuses on artistic and activist experimentation with emerging technologies, mainly focusing on the blockchain and artificial intelligence. His work explores how these technologies enable radical reconfigurations of concepts such as agency, authorship, and ownership. Martin’s critical writing on the blockchain is widely published in journals such as Philosophy and Technology, and in books like Artists Re:Thinking the Blockchain. Tactical Entanglements, his monograph on AI art and creative agency, was published by meson press in 2021.

Alessandro Ludovico

Alessandro Ludovico is a researcher, artist and chief editor of Neural magazine since 1993. He received his Ph.D. degree in English and Media from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge (UK). He is Associate Professor at the Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton. He has published and edited several books, including Post-Digital Print and Tactical Publishing, and has lectured worldwide. He also served as an advisor for the Documenta 12's Magazine Project. He is one of the authors of the award-winning Hacking Monopolism trilogy of artworks (Google Will Eat Itself, Amazon Noir, Face to Facebook).