ImageNet 10th Birthday Party

04:00pm - 04:00pm, Sat 21 Sep 2019

ImageNet 10th Birthday Party

ImageNet 10th Birthday Party


This event is part of our Past Programme

Join us for the ImageNet Birthday Party with Guest of Honour Dr. Fei-Fei Li.

ImageNet has become one of the most influential visual datasets in the fields of Deep Learning and AI. More than 14 million photographs were gathered through a benchmarking effort that propelled the outbreak of Computer Vision and its wide range of applications such as surveillance, phone filters, medical imaging, biometry and autonomous cars. ImageNet is organised through 21,000 categories that are still being used today to train computational models. 

On Saturday afternoon we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of ImageNet with a series of activities and presentations to showcase the impact of ImageNet, including a talk by its creator Fei-Fei Li chaired by Dr. Alan Blackwell.


Fei-Fei Li is the inaugural Sequoia Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University, and co-director of Stanford’s Human-Centered AI Institute. She served as the Director of Stanford’s AI Lab from 2013 to 2018. During her sabbatical from Stanford from 2017-2018, she was Vice President at Google and served as Chief Scientist of AI/ML at Google Cloud. She joined Stanford in 2009 as an assistant professor and was on faculty at Princeton University (2007-2009), and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2005-2006).

Dr. Li is the inventor of ImageNet and the ImageNet Challenge, a critical large-scale dataset and benchmarking effort that has contributed to the latest developments in deep learning and AI. In addition to her technical contributions, she is a national leading voice for advocating diversity in STEM and AI. She is co-founder and chairperson of the national non-profit AI4ALL aimed at increasing inclusion and diversity in AI education. Dr. Fei-Fei Li’s main research areas are in machine learning, deep learning, computer vision and cognitive and computational neuroscience. She has published nearly 200 scientific articles in top-tier journals and conferences. Dr. Li is a Fellow of ACM, a recipient of the 2019 IEEE PAMI Longuet-Higgins Prize, 2019 National Geographic Society Further Award, 2017 Athena Award for Academic Leadership, IAPR 2016 J.K. Aggarwal Prize, the 2016 IEEE PAMI Mark Everingham Award, the 2016 nVidia Pioneer in AI Award, 2014 IBM Faculty Fellow Award, 2011 Alfred Sloan Faculty Award, 2012 Yahoo Labs FREP award, 2009 NSF CAREER award, the 2006 Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellowship, among others. Dr. Fei-Fei Li obtained her B.A. degree in physics from Princeton with High Honors, and her PhD degree in electrical engineering from California Institute of Technology (Caltech). 

Alan Blackwell is a Professor in the Computer Laboratory, and Director of the Crucible network for research in interdisciplinary design. Crucible is a research network within and around the University of Cambridge. Its purpose is to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration of technologists with researchers in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AH&SS). The main focus of this collaboration is on design as a meeting point for widely differing research disciplines. Crucible activities include the establishment of new research programmes, training of researchers, input to policy bodies, and identification of suitable funding sources for research in interdisciplinary design. Dr Blackwell has qualifications in professional engineering, computing and experimental psychology. He has 15 years experience of designing industrial systems, electronic and software products. He has taught design courses and supervised postgraduate design research students in Computing, Architecture, Psychology, Languages, Music, Fine Art and Engineering. He works regularly with social scientists and policy researchers, as well as on the design of next generation digital technologies.