Web 1.0 was invented to allow physicists to share research papers. Web 2.0 was created to allow people to share pictures of cute cats.
Ethan Zuckerman
Photographs of cats have come to dominate the web’s image culture. From the cute to the absurd, millions of cat images are viewed, modified and shared online each day. A quick search reveals websites devoted to nineteenth century cat photography, cat memes, celebrity cat photoblogs and tutorials on how to best photograph one’s cat.
For the duration of this exhibition, we will invite various individuals and communities to respond to this phenomenon and share their own collections of cat photographs on The Wall.

Visit Unthinking Photography for specially commissioned texts in which various writers playfully consider the place of the cat image in contemporary culture.
Related Event
Tue 4 December, 19.00
Taking inspiration from For the LOL of Cats: felines, photography and the web, currently on view on The Wall, speakers will explore key questions around the image economy of the web, from LOLcats to Flickr, 4Chan to twitter, as well as issues arising from the curation of online photographic practices within the gallery/museum.
Panel includes Tom Woolley, Curator of New Media, National Media Museum, and led by Katrina Sluis, Curator (Digital Programme), The Photographers’ Gallery.
Sponsored by Lavazza
Technology Partner: Sharp
Programme Partner: Esmée Fairbairn