Leave a Legacy

A man stands in front of art work pointing to it

Leave a Legacy

By leaving a gift in your Will to The Photographers’ Gallery you enable us to continue showcasing the power of photography for the next generation and beyond.

After you have looked after your family and friends, please consider leaving a gift to The Photographers’ Gallery in your Will. Any gift we receive, not matter the size, will make a huge difference to the Gallery and will help shape our future.

An unrestricted gift will help to:

  • Allow us to continue to promote and support emerging talent
  • Provide a space to support and educate young people about photography
  • Help to Gallery to continue our acclaimed exhibitions
  • Encourage  and contribute to debates around photography’s place in the 21st century
  • Keep the Gallery’s ticket prices low and accessible

To discuss leaving a gift in your will please contact Chloé Taltas at development@tpg.org.uk

If you have already left a gift in your Will, we would love the opportunity to thank you personally and discuss our plans for the future of The Photographers’ Gallery. 

TPG has been a critical part of my life—its drive to challenge preconceptions, to offer  an innovative exhibitions programme, commitment to young people, diversity and the local community are why I would like to help ensure future generations can  benefit from it too.