Writing About Photography

Noémie Goudal, Station V, 2015 © Noémie Goudal. Courtesy of the artist and Edel Assanti

Writing About Photography

If a picture tells a thousand words, then it stands to reason that photography will have inspired its fair share of writings. Critical, theoretical, speculative, philosophical, historical, autobiographical and fictional. Certainly, over the years, TPG has been witness to, subject of and instigator of a variety of texts that aim to elucidate, illuminate, define or simply just celebrate the photographic form in words.  From specially commissioned essays to narrative fictions inspired by specific works or themes, this viewpoint presents an evolving and diverse selection of some of the ways that the literary has framed the visual.

Christopher Stewart, from Summer Camp, 2001

Inside the Camera's Belly

Esther Teichmann looks at the relationships between loss, desire and the imaginary. Blurring autobiography and fiction, narratives emerge from fragments.

Femme en habit d’homme, ferrotype, États-Unis, circa 1880.

Being Seen

CN Lester recounts personal experiences of gender non-conformance, visibility and invisibility, in relatiosnhip to an anonymously authored 1880 photograph

Dana Lixenberg, Fresh Real Flave and 4Doe, 2008

The Project

Imperial Courts by Dana Lixenberg is a voluminous and intricate body of work concerned, at its root, with the constancy of community among the black and brown residents of a

Morehshin Allahyari, She Who Sees the Unknown: Ya’jooj Ma’jooj (video still), 2017

To Know the Beast Intimately

Gelare Khoshgozaran considers the figure of the jinn as the temporal embodiment of human desires and emotions in Morehshin Allahyari's work She Who Sees the Unknown: Ya’jooj Ma’jooj

El Popular Private Collection / Centro de Fotografía of Montevideo

Dear Laxmi

This text was commissioned in response to the first major UK solo installation by acclaimed Brazilian artist Rosângela Rennó, held at The Photographers' Gallery February – April 2016

Laura Letinsky, Untitled #18, 2011

Notes on Laura Letinsky and Lightness

This essay was commissioned and published during the exhibition Laura Letinsky: Ill Form and Void Full, held at The Photographers' Gallery between 18 Jan – 17 April 2013.

Geraldo de Barros, Untitled, Tyrol, Austria, 1951

What Remains

Geraldo de Barros concentrated on photography within two periods of time, each resulting in a significant body of work.

Roman Vishniac

Holding It Still

The below essay was commissioned for Loose Associations vol. 4:3, a printed reader edited to accompany the exhibition Roman Vishniac Rediscovered.

Berlin Nordbahnhof railway station near the Potsdamer Platz in Berlinie, late 1920s

Below Ground Level

The below essay was commissioned for Loose Associations vol. 4:3, a printed reader edited to accompany the exhibition Roman Vishniac Rediscovered.